From the first day in the learning community, was expections were at least. I didnt expect to really make any friends, I was just there to focus on school work and do well, and now I've mad friends in this learning community and this community is really fun. I thought college was going to be harder than my high school, but since I came from a college prep hs, it was an easy transaction. When starting to do the RD095 work, I thought was going to challenging because I know I am not a strong reader, but turns out I kinda am one now. My reading strengths have increased in so many ways. Also, the EN001 work I thought wasnt going to be that hard, beisdes doing the evergreen book work. I thought doing the papers would be easy, but boy was I worng. My writing skills arent as strong as I thought they were, and now they have increased a little bit from doing the evergreen work.